Early Childhood Care & Education
We believe that it is through education that society will be uplifted
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Menstrual Awareness
Menstruation, or getting your period , is a normal and healthy part of life for most women
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Digital Training
Digital Training/ Literacy is the ability to navigate our digital world using reading.
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Women Empowerment
It is essential for the achievement of sustainable development
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Teacher Training
The quality of teachers primarily determines the quality of the education system, and the quality of teacher education largely determines the quality of instructors.
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Upskilling India Through Education

Edudevs Knowledge Foundation is an organisation whose main aim is empowerment through skill development and education. We aim to empower the youth wherein children and young people are encouraged to take charge of their lives. We do this by addressing their situation and then take action in order to improve their action in order to improve their access to resources and transform their consciousness through their beliefs, values and attitudes.

What We Do

Our main aim is skill based development, youth and girl child empowerment and we believe that it is through education that leaders are born.

We Find & Fund

We are in search of opportunities to help as many women and children as possible, We find the people who are willing to fund for a cause.

We Educate

Na rok kabhi shiksha par is our initiative that focuses on education and ECCE(Early Childhood Care & Education)

We Empower

Mera kaam meri pehchaan is our campaign where we provide relevant skills to women and provide employment opportunities for them.


Early Childhood Care & Education

We believe that it is through education that society will be uplifted.

Mental Health

The phase carries special significance for mental health.

Menstruation and Hygiene

Menstruation, or getting your period, is a normal and healthy part of life for most women.

Menstruation and Hygiene

Menstruation, or getting your period, is a normal and healthy part of life for most women.



Menstrual Campaign #reddot

Hum Bhi Udd Sakte Hain

Mera Kaam meri Pehchan

Team Activities

Our numbers that speak

We have numbers that push us to give in our best and make sure that we break our own records. We are happy to be growing and helping more day by day.

Today’s youth needs a helpful hand and the correct guidance at every stage.

0 K+
Members Worldwide
0 +
Children Educated
$ 0 M+
Funds Raised
Employment Provided

Get Involved With EKF

Corporate Patnerships

Corporate Patnerships

Volunteer / Yuva

Volunteer / Yuva

Individual Support

Individual Support



School Patnerships

School Patnerships

Sponsor For a Cause

Sponsor For a Cause

Write us without any hesitation on



A Volunteer

Volunteers are the backbone of our organization, embodying its ideals and spreading the message far and wide, sensitizing society to our cause. Join us as a volunteer for the NGO, serve the community, and spread smiles all around! Together, we can make a difference.

Our Partners


Our Recent Blogs

Battling the menstrual stigma : Menstrual Awareness

Battling the menstrual stigma : Menstrual Awareness

A few days back, a girl on Twitter shared her experience about how she got her periods in the PVR…
Celebrating the Pillars of Our Lives: Global Parents’ Day

Celebrating the Pillars of Our Lives: Global Parents’ Day

Celebrating the Pillars of Our Lives: Global Parents' Day Global Parents' Day is an international event that acknowledges parents for…
Celebrating World Environment Day: Our Collective Responsibility

Celebrating World Environment Day: Our Collective Responsibility

World Environment Day is observed every year on June 5th, serving as a reminder of the importance of environmental conservation…


" I happen to know Devyani Kapoor for the last two years. She is dynamic, passionate and deeply immersed in education. She takes keen interest in all aspects of school education. She has a vision to transform the quality of school education by continuously upgrading and empowering all stakeholders - particularly that of teachers. She is the founder of Edudevs- a non- profit organisation committed to empower the educators which will ultimately result in not only improving the face of school system in India but also guides and assists young students so that they can grab most of the opportunities which the globalisation is ushering for them. She had conducted numerous such workshops/ conferences across the country to reach the desired goal. She is a natural leader and every member of the Edudevs team lives her vision to achieve their mission to bring a meaningful change in society through education."
Mr. Ashok Ganguly
Ex Chairman, CBSE & Ex director, SCERT, UP
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